Friday 24 June 2016

An update of June

I didn't realize that I hadn't updated this blog since before I got back from my trip. Oops. Not that anything exciting has happened, but still, blogging is good for the soul. So let's catch up shall we?

I turned 27 the day after we got back. It wasn't bad, and I got a sweet backpack out of it for school. I also got a book for the ages, The Bitchy Waiter. I've been following Darron's blog for years and to have his book with some of my favorite stories in it is awesome. I got many other gifts but those were the ones I was most excited about.

June 14 marked the beginning of ESY. Through bargaining I was able to be with the kid I was supposed to be with, and three of her classmates. I'm not going to get into how much our on-site administrator messed up, she wasn't even there for the first week and we weren't even in our original classroom. The first week was rough, with no printer, a teacher who has never taught elementary, let alone autism, and an EA who just wanted to leave early. But I had my kooky pants, so I was happy. This week was better, we got back into our old classroom which has more materials, we have a new administrator who really knows what she's doing, and it's just all around better. Only nine days left.

J turned 26. It was a pretty good birthday for him...let's just leave it at that.

And now, for OT things.

I'm registered to take my CPR class July 1st. Monday I'm going to call my doctor to get my shot record and make sure I'm up to speed. The only foreseeable problem is my name...I know that my name is Kathryn and that there are at least a dozen different ways of spelling it, but it still annoys me when they get it wrong.

So last week I went to get my badge picture taken and after walking over from the OT building to the hospital, I notice that my name is spelled wrong. I had to walk all the way back in the sweltering New Mexican heat to have them fill out a new form and then walk back, hoping that the fact that I sweat like a man won't mess up my hair and makeup. So I get it fixed and the security guard says that my name is already in the system. So I get my picture taken, they print out my badge, and halfway back to my car when I see that my name is spelled wrong, which means that it's spelled wrong in the system...sigh. And my adviser is two steps away from popping out a baby and going on maternity leave. So at some point, I need to email her and see what I need to do to get my name fixed.

Oh, and one more thing. My car. I finally was able to figure out what the problem is, and it isn't the ignition switch. Turns out it is actually the radio. It's malfunctioning, Even though it's turned off there's a part of it that is still on when the car is off which is draining the battery. But I know what it is and I can maybe go somewhere and have them disconnect it until I can figure out what kind of radio I want to replace it.

And that's really it for now. I'm still excited about the comment I got on my last post, woot! Until next time!

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