Friday 27 May 2016


School is out. Work is over. Which means I spent about 12 hours in a car driving to California with J to meet his family. So here's the lowdown on what's been going on.

School got out on Wednesday. I did some cleaning in my room and then no longer felt welcome in there by being ignored by the teacher and getting daggers from the EA. So I turned in my keys and left about an hour early. Should I feel guilty? Yes. Did I feel guilty? Kinda but screw em. That part of my job is over.

I then proceeded to attempt to watch all three Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Extended Editions in a marathon to end all marathons. It was... okay. The giant cockroaches that showed up in the middle of the night didn't help, nor did the fact that I'm not going to be in the room I'm supposed to be in for summer school. I managed to get into autism preschool but they weren't even going to offer me autism! Not sure how that's gonna work out and the teacher/my friend is really stressed but hopefully things work out before the session starts.

And today, like I said, I spent hours in a car driving to California. But now that I'm here I'm glad we got to come. J's cousin and his wife are around our age and so we should have a lot of fun. I'm excited for what's to come.

Well, I haven't slept very weld the past two days, and I might not blog as much since I'm on vacation, but I'm not setting deadlines for this blog this time, so maybe that will encourage me to update more. We shall see.

Good night to you all.

P.S. Wind turbines are fucking majestic and I'm pissed off that New Mexico doesn't have them.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

I have come to a conclusion...

Today hates me.

Maybe it was the kid that tried to run off campus that I had to chase down, who needed to be escorted back to the classroom where he continued to show signs of violence by hitting and kicking objects. All over a bracelet he left in his jacket.

Maybe it was the kid that decided to attack all of her classmates, run out of the room and into another room, try to bite my breast and undress me so that I had to hold her hands down, and then had to be transported/dragged by four of us to the Social Worker's office.

Maybe it was the kid who had a massive meltdown in front of another class because he wanted to go home...30 minutes before the bell rang.

Maybe it was giant gust of wind that covered me head to toe in dirt.

Maybe it was the dinner I barely ate because it tasted disgusting.

Maybe it was the idiots who were on Final Fantasy that made for such lame dungeon runs.

I don't know, what do you think? It's been a day, and right now, I cannot be more thankful that school is ending. Last week I thought I was going to miss my students. But today made me really challenge that statement. And it's currently still being challenged. But I'm tired. Maybe things will look better on the other side of the night.

Good night.

Monday 23 May 2016

The sad thing about typing on my tablet is... that if you want to lay on your back and type because you're tired, you're kind of SOL. But this boots up faster than my laptop so there ya go.

Today was pretty hectic for the last Monday of work. I had to drop off my car to get an oil change and to see if they could get my radio to work, since it has recently decided to lose the will to live. Afterwards J took me to work where I spent a blissful morning in my old room with my old kiddos. I missed working with them. In the afternoon however both the teacher and other EA showed up so I had to find something else to do and I did not want to go back to my old room. Then I remembered that one of my students was in inclusion for the afternoon and off I went to "check on him" and spend the rest of the afternoon with him. Not spending the day in my current classroom was pretty fun and I am dreading tomorrow when I go back to my old room and my fellow EA gives me dirty looks and refuses to talk to me because she's 12 and is mad that I'm not someone she can gossip and talk shit to. Suck it up buttercup.

So a couple of weeks ago my advisor for the OT program emailed us a form that said she was allowed to register us for our fall classes. Not that someone else would take that spot since it's a closed program but it's still easier. I saw it, and promptly forgot about it until she sent us a reminder last week that I saw as I was walking into work. I saw it, and promptly forgot about it again. Today, when she sent us another email about our school emails, I remembered, and just about had a heart attack since it was due last Friday. Luckily since I emailed her right away about it, she put me in to be registered and I was able, through some pretty crazy logistics, to get the form to her. So that's taken care of. Now all I need is to get my CPR/First Aid training and my shots updated. Things are coming together!

Whew, I'm exhausted. Field/Water day tomorrow at work. Let's get ready to get wet.

Until next time...

Sunday 22 May 2016

The eve of the final week of work

Tomorrow begins the last week of Albuquerque Public Schools and I for one can not be happier that the year is over. I have two and a half days left and then onto freedom and summer. While this year has definitely had its great times it's also had its challenges. The bureaucracy and drama that is APS knows no limits and as much as I try to stay away from it, when the fellow EA in the room thrives on it, it gets annoying. But either way, I'll be spending most of my time in my old room where we keep to ourselves and focus on our jobs rather than gossip.

Once the summer comes I'll be embarking on a road trip through several states including Arizona, California, and Nevada. It'll be fun, and a lot of driving. Once I get back, I need to figure out how I'm going to welcome my 27th year of life and then the summer school sessions start. I already know I'm going to be in my old room which makes me happy. Working with two new people? Not so much.

And once that is all over it's just a period of waiting until OT school starts. I'm excited to begin this new chapter in my life and begin learning. J has already finished his first year and thinks I'll do well.

Anyways, it's late and I'm exhausted. It's going to be a long day tomorrow and I need sleep in order to survive. That and a certain amount of caffeine. While I'll do my best to update this new version of my blog, I can make any guarantees. I can only promise to update it as much as I see fit. I don't like dealing with my laptop in my best of moods, but I like dealing with my tablet so maybe that'll be my medium. We shall see.

Good night for now.