Friday 27 May 2016


School is out. Work is over. Which means I spent about 12 hours in a car driving to California with J to meet his family. So here's the lowdown on what's been going on.

School got out on Wednesday. I did some cleaning in my room and then no longer felt welcome in there by being ignored by the teacher and getting daggers from the EA. So I turned in my keys and left about an hour early. Should I feel guilty? Yes. Did I feel guilty? Kinda but screw em. That part of my job is over.

I then proceeded to attempt to watch all three Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Extended Editions in a marathon to end all marathons. It was... okay. The giant cockroaches that showed up in the middle of the night didn't help, nor did the fact that I'm not going to be in the room I'm supposed to be in for summer school. I managed to get into autism preschool but they weren't even going to offer me autism! Not sure how that's gonna work out and the teacher/my friend is really stressed but hopefully things work out before the session starts.

And today, like I said, I spent hours in a car driving to California. But now that I'm here I'm glad we got to come. J's cousin and his wife are around our age and so we should have a lot of fun. I'm excited for what's to come.

Well, I haven't slept very weld the past two days, and I might not blog as much since I'm on vacation, but I'm not setting deadlines for this blog this time, so maybe that will encourage me to update more. We shall see.

Good night to you all.

P.S. Wind turbines are fucking majestic and I'm pissed off that New Mexico doesn't have them.

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