Thursday 8 September 2016

"It Depends"

So today I got to delve back into the wonderful word of Lifespan after feeling so detached from it for a week. As we talked about infant development and the difference stages they go through, it got me thinking about all the different and contradictory parenting techniques that are out there. To co-sleep, to not co-sleep. To vaccinate, to not vaccinate. All these difference myths. Do any of them work?

It depends.

This is something my Lifespan teacher says so often it's her motto. I think it's just to push the point home that if you've met one've met one baby. Every baby develops differently and responds differently to things. It's our job as caregivers and parents to recognize and respond to those needs.

Anyways, it was something I found interesting.

On a personal note, I got my insurance taken care of. Or more like it was taken care of without me knowing about it. But I've been covered since the beginning of the month so I'm good. I'm feeling less stressed about adulting things. Though I've not started to feel good (scratchy throat) so we shall see where this takes us. Baby lab tomorrow, we get to watch a 2 month old!

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