Monday 5 September 2016

Labor Day

Today is one of those days where you really are grateful for the fact that you don't work in a thankless serving job where you have to wait on people on a federal holiday. The restaurant-that-shall-be-named has recently started it's endless pasta bowl promotion and I am so glad I don't have to work it this year. I realized this yesterday at a cookout my parents were having. I'm a free agent to do what I please. And that is study and become an Occupational Therapist.

Today I read and completed an outline on a really great article. It was published in 1997 and talked about how OT had lost its meaning, how the activities had no meaning and how to get back to having meaning. It was great, and for the first time ever I was able to incorporate something that I had learned waaaay back when I was a business major. See there was this guy named Maslow and one day he came up with this pyramid he called the Hierarchy of Needs. It stated that there were five different levels of needs for the human being. Physiological, Safety and Security, Social, Esteem (both self and other) and self-actualization, the final level being equivalent of reaching nirvana. The theory stated that once you met one type of need, you could move onto the next. The catch however was that you couldn't move back down. As a business major, this drove me crazy! As an Occupational Therapist, this theory rocks! It's baseline for what you need to work on? Can the client independently self-care? Yes? Great! Do they talk to strangers and trust everyone regardless? Yes? Let's work on that. It was so cool to see those parallels from my former major and my current study when I thought the two were as different as apples and carrots.

Once I had finished the outline and submitted it, I realized two things. One, I had forgotten to include my reference for the citing I did in the outline (oops) and two, I was done for the next two days pretty much. Party! Or the equivalent of it, which was play Final Fantasy for a few hours. I have one journal article to read tomorrow and I'm good!

But now it's time for bed. The four day weekend has been swell, but it's back to the grindstone tomorrow!

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