Friday 2 September 2016

NMOTA Conference

Today classes were cancelled because the faculty all attended the New Mexico Occupational Therapy Association conference and we were invited to. It was pricey to attend even as a student but I learned today that it was worth it.

This conference has been AMAZING. There are so many OTs here and a lot of the speakers have been amazing. The keynote speaker this morning was talking about creativity and how we have to focus on occupation and not the tasks and tools being used and it completely alluded to what our Kinesiology teacher was talking about. There was a great panel on how to integrate OT into the classroom and actually getting in the student's classroom in order for them to not miss out on work. It made me appreciate how the teacher's at the school I was an aid at allowed OT into the room for services. The next panel was on Resources for Recovery in Mental Health patients who were either veterans or homeless. While I don't really see myself in that sort of field it was really interesting to hear about that field. As an OT in training I want to keep my option open as well as my mind. After all, I never saw myself working with autism clients and now I really want to do Camp Rising Sun because of my time in the school system in Albuquerque.

Overall today really cemented how blessed and lucky I am to be going into this profession. Everyone I have met at this conference and heard from has been amazing. It's also inspiring to see all my professors there, some of them who were even speakers! Overall it was fantastic day and I can't wait for tomorrow.

As a post script, I'll be kind of changing things up on this blog. I feel like every time I start blogging again, I get really sad because I feel the pressure to post only good things about my day. So instead I think I might just post about what I learned that day and maybe a personal note at the end if I feel like this. Not only will this help me remember and retain things more, but it will maybe reinforce the title of the blog in general.

Anyways, it's late. Plus my roommate threw a party for all of this classmates meaning I may have had a bit too much to drink. Good night for now.

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