Tuesday 23 August 2016

Deer in the Headlights on the second day

I have about 20 minutes to write this before I go and start dinner. I have homework but J is still really sick and our roommate is submitting his thesis tonight while his wife is still at work. Ergo it's up to me. Which is why we're having Frito Pie because it's easy to make. Heat up the chili and cut up the onion and you're good to go!

So today I feel like was the more stressful day. In the morning we had Evidence Based Practice in which we'll be doing a lot of writing and our first project is due in two weeks. It's group project involving an interview with a practicing OT. My group got rehabilitation and participation, or something like that. It's a long title. Luckily we'll all get into our groups Thursday and figure out our topic. This is the class I feel like I'll have the hardest time explaining.

After lunch was Kinesiology. This is the one I was the most nervous about. And right I was. She started talking and I went instant deer in the headlights. I realized that I had forgotten about most of what I learned about muscles in A&P and just froze. It really stressed me out. Then she started talking about this practical and what happens if we don't pass enough times and how hard the tests are and by now I'm internally screaming and asking why I'm doing this in the first place.

So now I was stressed out so naturally I did the best thing possible and ran myself ragged at the gym. Shin splints suck. Still did it though! Now I'm home and need to start my reading, which I plan to do after dinner and to some soothing music.

So I have almost officially gone to all of my classes. The only one I have left is graduate seminar, which is only an hour a week. Back to Occupation and Health tomorrow so at least there's that.

All of this work has me wondering if I'll be able to do NaNoWriMo. November is when all the projects are due so it'll definitely be a challenge. I will attempt to do it though. I have two big assignments due right at the start of November so at least those will be out of the way.

And now it's time to start heating up the chili. I decide to write this early so that I can focus on my studies tonight.

Welcome to graduate school.

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