Monday 22 August 2016

First day of school! First day of school!


If you can't already tell, I'm excited about graduate school. This had been four years in the making and I'm ready for it. The first day of class went really fast surprisingly. Although our first class started at 10, we had to be there at 8 so that the faculty and staff could introduce us. We introduced ourselves as well and stated our favorite occupation. Mine of course was writing, even though I assured everyone that I wasn't very good.

Our first class was Occupation Across the Lifespan. Literally. We start at the beginning and end at death. We went through a few things like theories of development. There are certain milestones that a person hits growing up, such as reaching or standing or walking. We watched this old video where there was an experiment done between two twins. One was given special daily training while the other had a normal childhood. The study concluded that even though the child given daily training developed certain milestones and problem solving skills quickly, the other child developed them as well, although they weren't as sure of themselves. It was pretty interesting.

The afternoon class was Intro to Occupation. Our instructor is pretty cool. We did some activities and then talked about defining occupation. Turns out it's not as easy as it seems, since it's so broad! No wonder OTs can't describe what they do. In the end we came up with a pretty broad definition and ended with defining occupational therapy. I honestly can't remember what we can up with and I don't have the motivation to go into my backpack and get my notebook out, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

I spent the evening making sure I didn't have any readings for tomorrow and well, playing Final Fantasy. All in all it was a great first day. I'm pretty tired though.

Tomorrow is Evidence Based Practice in the morning and Kinesiology in the afternoon. Kinesiology is the one I'm looking forward too, mostly because of the anatomy bit.

I think tomorrow I'm going to start getting back to the gym. I'm anxious to get back into the swing of things. I really want working out to be a part of my routine again.

J is sick. Really sick. I feel so bad for him since he's starting his second year and at the same time begging him to not make me sick!

Anyways, it's been a long day, and I'm feeling the need for sleep. Time to dry my hair and get some shut eye. Until tomorrow!

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