Sunday 21 August 2016

On the eve of the rest of my life.

Tomorrow starts the first day of the rest of my life.

Tomorrow I start graduate school.

I'm excited, I'm nervous, I'm tired. But I still have wet hair.

I'm excited to get back into a routine. The past month in which I have had no job has shown me I don't do well with no routine. J says I'm going to have more routine than I can deal with but I'm okay with that.

I'm nervous because I'm shy and making friends doesn't come easily to me. I think I made a friend at orientation but we shall see tomorrow. J thinks that once we all start I'll make friends easily. One can only hope my NMSU status doesn't weight to heavily at the rival school.

I'm tired. Last weekend was crazy and terrible and I haven't really slept well since then. I've been trying. Pretty sure that the small spot of blood on my eye is from lack of sleep over the past nearly two weeks. But I slept well last night and I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight. As soon as I can dry my hair and get to bed.

I still can't believe this is happening. I'm in. After four long years of preparing and applying I can finally start my career. I get all giddy when I come to the realization that I start soon. J is really happy for me too.

I better dry my hair. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day. My first class is at 10 but I need to be there at 8 because the faculty wants to meet us.

Now if I can only get a job on campus with my work study, everything will be great.

Good night.

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